11/24/19: I learned that javascript is used when programming webpages and than when you are first starting out you should immediately learn how to use the console because it can help you find any of the command that you are looking for. In your console you can type in a bunch of sentences or a sequence of numbers and it is known as a string. You have to remember to put either a double or single quotation mark or the computer won't be able to recognise what your saying and a syntax error will show up. Syntax errors can often be helpful because they let you know what line you mad a mistake on. The things you use to store values are called variables. This means that whenever we type in the value the computer will know what were refering to because we gave it a variable. To set a variable you first type in var and than equal and than your value in quotation marks. You can use functions to tell the computer what you want it to do with specific variables. For example, you can use the replace function to replace certain words in a variable with others. You can also use third party as a recource for different functions you can use. You can also make your own functions by defining what the function does pointing it to a specific string or variable and than naming it. so that your computer knows what your referring to whenever you use that function. You can also use methods which are functions that are assigned to specific variables. There are two different types of function, the first type is one that either changer or creates a value and than displays it and the second type takes in values and performs actions on them. Console log is an example of the second type of function as it will take in anything and make it appear in your console.